Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Autodesk Maya Techniques: Animator Friendly Rigging IV Disk2

Autodesk Maya Techniques: Animator Friendly Rigging IV Disk2 - iv

Animator.Friendly.Rigging.IV.Disk2.DVD-NoPE 620.49 MB
Autodesk® Maya® Techniques Animator Friendly Rigging is a four part series that will teach you to create animation rigs which solve problems, are fun to use, and don’t cause nervous breakdowns.
Created by experienced animator Jason Schleifer, this series is your solution to creating the most effective and usable animation rigs whether you are starting out or have been building rigs for years.

If you were to ask ten animators what they would want in an animation rig, you would most likely receive a varied list of feature requests: forward kinematics, stretchy limbs, splineIK back, FK/IK switching, no counter-animation, etc. Each of these feature requests is important for one reason: they solve a problem the animator is currently dealing with, but what do animators actually want? They want a rig that works, is easy to understand, and allows them to spend their time doing what they do best: animating.

Created for every level rigger, this course will teach you how to analyze a situation and come up with a solution that will solve the problem for the animator. You will learn to balance functionality, speed, and technique. In short, Autodesk Maya Techniques Animator Friendly Rigging will provide you with a solid workflow and rules to follow to ensure a proper animation rig for almost any situation.

System Requirements

* Maya Complete 8.5, Maya Unlimited 8.5, or Maya Personal Learning Edition
* Apple® QuickTime™ Player 7.1.3 or later

Learning Objectives

* Each section will include specifics on:
o Acquiring reference
o Analyzing reference
o Breaking apart the rig into appropriate segments
o Process for analyzing every control
o Isolate section of body and analyze it's motion
o Determine motion requirements
o Analyze possible control solutions
o Explore ideas
o Analyze animator interaction
o Weigh control vs. speed



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